Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No FNM But still a magic Filled Week

Thursday 15th December

So Today I had a brewing/deck construction day. I'm not much of a brewer, but I do look at decks from the bigger tournaments sleeve them up and then try and adapt from there. This usually depends on local meta, my play style and of course card availability.

I Started with This UW Illusions Build and A R/B Bloodhall Build. I had to make my own tweaks here and there, but fortunately they aren't major, and I also think that both these decks fit my style. I think that I will have to finally take the plunge and Pick up that 4th snapcaster, as it seems to be a major player that I don't think will be going anywhere any time soon.
This brings me onto something that I have an interest in – Math! Now before I scare everyone else, I think that it's interesting! For all those that haven't noticed I personally feel that mana basses are particularly bad if you want to play anything that is not friendly colours and therefore 3+! So I'm in the process of building a Bant POD (Blue White green Birthing pod) with the basis being sent by a friend I made via Twitter. However he has left with me a little room for customisation for a few creatures and the mana base!
This led me to do a bit of a google search on articles and I stumbled across these:
This one is my Favorite but I also found this , this and this offering interesting outlooks on the topics. If this is of any sort of interest to you then I would recommend giving them a read.
I guess all this does is offer the amount of basics to play, the trickier part for me is selecting and playing the correct amount of Dual lands and scars fast lands.
So With 3 standard decks now out of the way, it was time to update my Modern deck. It is a very budget "Eggs" deck that I first saw many moons ago Here on the Building on a Budget Site. This deck was very in expensive to pick up so worked on it and ended up with this list. Now of course this was mid-August which was Pre Pro Tour Philadelphia. Since then the ban list has had an update. (I also believe that it's getting another update on 20th December). From said ban list I unfortunately lost 2 ponders and 4 Preordain! Gah. Oh well. From that I have taken those 6 cards out and replaced with 3 Locket of Yesterdays, and actually added 4 Creatures. A singleton Disciple of The Vault and 3 Riddlesmith. I used a list that appeared on Tcg Player, but is a natural evolution of the original deck.
I'm not sure if there are other Modern Players in Cornwall but I'm always up for a game and it can inspire me to build a sideboard. I'm always tempted to start working on a legacy deck. The beauty of the Eternal formats is that the cards don't rotate and, unless cards appear on the corresponding ban list, you will have a deck that is always playable.


Friday 16th

Drinking and EDH, Do go on…..
So our shop owner was away for the weekend running a stall at a very large Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament, fortunately enough I had a friend Invite me and a few others round, for pizza, EDH and drinks. Awesome. We even managed to fit in a game of Settlers of Catan. It was only my second time playing it and I sucked hard.

EDH is a great open game. For me it lets you do very silly things, and ultimately play with cards you want to play with. I like to apply the theory "Go Big or Go Home".
I basically got banned from using the horrible combo of Hive Mind and the "Pacts" from the future sights set. It is a quality combo that lets me win, (In all honestly it's a cheapskate's way to play and win!). I do still have my one turn win combo which has won me some games with Hellkite Charger and Bear Umbra! Yeah!
All in all a solid fun night. I would heart fully recommend drinking and playing social casual games. It can help you unwind just relax whilst still playing a game you love!

Next time I hope to upload how my FNM went when running the Bant Pod list, and hopefully I'll get it up on Christmas eve but that might be a big ask. If you don't see me before that then I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays.




P.S Exsanguinate is a horrible card to be cast in a multiplayer EDH game.

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