Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Brief Pre – Dark Ascension Update

Well it's been a little while since I updated my blog but thought I would just give a brief rundown as to what I have been up to.


If you've been following my blog then I've recently talked about starting a cube. Well at the moment I'm about 100 cards into the setup and I'm slowly working to getting more. I found out that Glenn had updated his list. This was interesting enough for me to evaluate mine. Now I won't be acquiring the expensive cards straight away but I will be picking up some of them. Whilst I feel that proxying is a great idea, I think I definitely prefer owning the physical cards.

Even they are only one drops I will want to foil this at some point. I'll pick up the bargain foils straight away, and the more expensive ones, again, over time. I'm looking at this as a long term investment and project.

I will be trying to get it to 288 cards so that the 8 man draft is possible. This is with 3 lots of 12 card "packs" each to make 30 card decks. Even if the cube is this large, it can still be 2/4/6/8 player drafted. This is exactly what I want it to be.



With the mass of token generation around, I thought I would start looking at a second EDH deck. Someone in our play group also mentioned doing commons/uncommon and I thought that this strategy might work. Well this is the deck that I think I'll be working on:

With a ton of spirit/soldier token generators about I think that shall be my starting point. This will be a lengthy project but also something that I can expand into rare and mythic (Read Sorin).


Dark Ascension

With the new set on the horizon there is a lot of hype about a possible Black/White tokens deck. I think it will appear and I think it will be a contender. However, even though Dark Ascension is similar lay out to Worldwake in set size and the way that the 3rd set of the block is drafted I don't feel that we are going to end up in a Jace style price range on this chase mythic of the set.

One other mythic I am interested in seeing how it will perform is the Huntmaster. This could potentially be a real enabler in pushing the werewolves into a real deck. It's hard to say without testing, which I get little chance to do, but I have my fingers crossed for a positive outcome on that one.

Now I'm not one to cry "Mono Black Control" is back, but I am considering up a non-infect zombie variant. I'd love to have phyrexian obliterators but I don't see them appearing in my collection anytime soon, but I'll work with what I've got and see where it takes me. Patrick Chapin wrote about the deck in a recent Star City article (Premium side so can't link to it L)


Anyway that's all from me at the moment, but I'll try and live tweet my progress on Saturday at the pre-release.




@weekinmtg (twitter)


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